InstaSafe | User Profile could not be read. Please restart the InstaSafe Service to update

Windows ISA App Connection Error "User Profile could not be read. Please restart the InstaSafe Service to update."

This Article highlights the steps to be taken in case the ISA App on Windows is unable to connect and the error message is "User Profile could not be read. Please restart the InstaSafe Service to update".


The ISA App on Windows fails to connect as expected and the error message received is "User Profile could not be read. Please restart the InstaSafe Service to update"

This issue is typically caused when the ISA Configuration File has not been generated correctly or has been updated to prevent users from connecting.


Step 1: Navigate to the directory that contains the ISA Configuration File. The path is mentioned below:

Windows 64-bit
C:\Program Files (x86)\InstaSafe\config\

Windows 32-bit
C:\Program Files\InstaSafe\config\
Step 2: Contact InstaSafe Support and share across the ISA Configuration File along with the Username

End-users are requested to contact their organization's IT Team, who in turn will help coordinate with the InstaSafe Support Team.