InstaSafe | Windows ISA App Connection Error This device is not permitted for use with InstaSafe

Windows ISA App Connection Error "This device is not permitted for use with InstaSafe"

This Article highlights the steps to be taken in case the ISA App on Windows is unable to connect and the error message is "This device is not permitted for use with InstaSafe".


The ISA App on Windows fails to connect as expected and the error message is "This device is not permitted for use with InstaSafe".

The ISA App Log File might also contain the following lines:

ERROR: could not read Auth username/password/ok/string from management interface
Exiting due to fatal error
This issue is typically caused when the ISA App attempts to connect for a User that has been Deleted and no longer exists as a Provisioned User in ISA.


Step 1: Admins could login to the ISA Management Console and verify whether the User has been deleted.

If the User has been deleted for some reason, necessary steps must be taken to recreate the User ID or re-sync from the Corporate AD/LDAP Server.
Step 2: If the User has not been deleted and exists as a Provisioned User in ISA, it is likely that there's a stale entry in the Windows Registry on the User's system from a previous installation of the ISA App.

Open Windows Registry (requires elevated Administrator privileges). Click 'Edit' and then 'Find'. Select the search parameter 'Keys' and search for 'InstaSafe' using the 'Find Next' option.

Step 3: Continue using the 'Find Next' option (shortcut: F3) until a Key similar to the one below is found.

Step 4: Right-click the 'InstaSafe' Key and select 'Delete'.
Step 5: Attempt to connect the ISA App in the usual manner.

In case the issue persists after following the above mentioned steps, please contact your organization's IT Team.

If you are an Admin of the organization's ISA Account and need assistance, contact InstaSafe Support.