For AD/LDAP synced users, the error "Invalid credentials" indicates that the Domain Controller has rejected the user's authentication request. Please follow the steps mentioned below:
- Check if the User is provisioned in the the ISA Management Console
- Username is case sensitive, please ensure that the end-user is entering this correctly
- Username entered in ISA must not contain the domain name. Example: for user, the ISA Username would simply be alice
- Login to the Active Directory server (configured in the ISA Console under Authentication Profiles) and check the following in the Active Directory Users And Computers tool:
- The User Account must not be locked
- The User Account should not have expired
- The User Account option "User must change password on next logon" must not be selected
- The User Account must not be disabled
For multi-domain forests, ensure that the above checks for the User Account are done in the domain that has been integrated in the ISA Console. This could be verified by checking the UPN suffix in the User Account properties for the user in question.
In exceptional scenarios, especially where users are imported into Active Directory via an HRMS Portal, there might be a conflict of usernames: multiple user profiles might have been assigned the same Username.
If the issue persists after trying the above suggestions, please reset the user's password because it is likely that the password has either expired or the user is making use of an incorrect password.