Windows ISA App Installation Error "Run-time error '6': Overflow"
This Article highlights the steps to be taken in case users are unable to successfully configure the ISA App on Microsoft Windows devices post installation and the error message is "Run-time error '6': Overflow".
Post installation, on attempting to configure the ISA App on Microsoft Windows devices, an error message is received "Run-time error '6': Overflow".
This error is typically seen when the ISA App is unable to reach the ISA Portal (* or a secure connection cannot be established. The communication to the web server (ISA Portal) takes place over HTTPS.
Step 1: Ensure the device has access to the internet.
At times, the above error may crop up due to an intermittent internet issue. Simply attempt to
reconfigure the ISA App after some time. You could also try making use of an alternate available reliable internet connection.
Step 2: If connecting from a corporate network, do ensure that the Firewall or any other similar network device is configured to allow HTTPS traffic to *
Step 3: Open Internet Explorer (preferably 'Run as Administrator') on the system in question and navigate to the ISA Portal for your organization: https://<company> The ISA Portal must load fine here, without any warning or error messages. If a problem with the security certificate of the website (ISA Portal) is noticed, please refer this KB Article for guidance:
Step 4: At times, the use of a Proxy or missing/incorrect Proxy configuration on the system may lead a situation where traffic isn't able to reach the web server (ISA Portal) as expected. Please refer this KB Article for guidance: <TO BE UPDATED>
In case the issue persists, please contact your organization's IT Team.
If you are an Admin of the organization's ISA Account and need assistance, contact
InstaSafe Support.
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